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What Have You Been Doing For The Last 50 Years?

Last Updated: July 17, 2015

If you would like to share with your classmates what you have been doing for the last 50 years, I will post it here. Please feel free to share as much or as little as you like. However, several classmates have suggested that everyone reduce the last 50 years to 8 bullet points. (Did we have bullet points in 1965?)

Send anything you want posted to

Here is the list and link to classmates who have successfully reduced 50 years into 8 bullet points or less.

(Posted in the order received)

Bernie Winters (July 15, 2015)

Ken Luecke

Don Emge

Stan Wolinski

 Tom Bookstaver

John Eschen

Joseph Long

Tom Conley

Tim Sweeney

Jim Buckley

Tom Reck

Ken Mitchell

Dan Bauer

Tom Forster

Dave Wyrsch, Sr.

Bob Kohmescher

Joe DeGregorio

Joe Leading Bus & Church Tours on The Hill (click on image for full size)


Paul Costello

Herbert Bippen

Gregory Warnusz     

Mark Troy

Dave Steimel

Jim Kuszaj